Finding Your Voice
To grow your business, you need to be heard. You’ve got to be able to tell people what you do, what problem your business solves for clients, and confidently discuss options and pricing about your offers. Discovering your voice can be scary at first, but ultimately rewarding.
When you first start your business, some of the first advice out there is about creating your avatar and determining who your target audience is.
While that’s a great exercise to navigate, biz start-up advice is often lacking guidance on how to communicate with your potential client about your product or service.
You’re tasked with finding language that resonates with your ideal client that simultaneously communicates how your service or product solves their problem.
Until you put messaging out there, you’ll have no idea if it will be received well or not, so you have to just start experimenting. Try, tweak, practice, revise, and try again.
Practice telling others what you do, develop a consistent message, work to communicate what you do clearly and as concisely as possible.
Practice speaking confidently about your business - in the mirror, to your plants or pets, in the car, etc. You may feel silly, but until what comes out of your mouth sounds smooth and confident while connecting perfectly with your target audience, you have work to do. Y
From experience, know that you may stumble on your words at first, but you can do this!
In this episode, listen for:
Speaking to your avatar - what can you say that will connect with them?
Speak positivity until you believe it
Aim for simplicity - can a child understand what you do?
Must-listen Moments:
[9:30] Create a consistent message
[2:02] Check that your message is resonating with those you want to attract
[10:57] Share your message and what you do at every opportunity