Manage your time.

I was once a chronic procrastinator. I used to believe that I produced best under the pressure of a tight deadline. I always got things done and achieved OK outcomes, so it wasn’t a big deal to me. 

Now, as mom of four and CEO, I can’t live like that!

Planning well, batching work, and writing things down will help you avoid doing things at the last minute.

When you plan to do things at the last minute, it’s inevitable that something else will happen to derail your plans. The internet will go out, the school will call, the dog will shred their bed - something will happen to further distract and delay you which will lead to stress and may even make you look like a frazzled, irresponsible business owner. 

You started your business so you could enjoy the kids, have a more flexible schedule, and because you believed you could do better on your own than in a cubicle. 

By attempting to plan, prepare, and work ahead, you will get to actually enjoy the time and freedom you have always desired.

Time management doesn’t have to be difficult, but having a system in place will make a significant impact for you and your business.

In this episode, listen for:

  • Preparing ahead and batch scheduling is necessary

  • Establish a calendar structure - try time blocking

  • Be kind to yourself when things go wrong

Must-listen Moments: 

[6:32] Make a plan, determine your priorities

[10:30] Batching work has made a significant difference in my life, I highly recommend it!

[12:25] Reevaluate what's on your schedule; is it important or not?

What in this episode hit home for you? DM me on Insta at

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CRUSH 2022 Series - Part 2


Finding Your Voice