You don’t have to be organized to succeed.

Be creative about the life you wish to create! With a business and four children, how do I stay so organized? How am I going to handle it all? I’ve been asked this, and to be honest, I’m not really that organized.

I’m going to debunk the myth that you can’t run a great business while also being an attentive mom. You can have anything you desire in life if you are determined to do so. Consider when you worked in a corporate environment. You were following their rules and following their schedule, therefore you were running a tight ship because everything revolved around their schedule, not yours.

You wouldn’t have been late to work because you had to do the dishes, would you? Well, now that you’re working for yourself, you have to treat household nonsense and other distractions with firm boundaries. You can have a family and be a badass CEO at the same time. 

As an entrepreneur, you have complete control over the design and feel of your company. Recognize that you don’t have to have an immaculate home with an empty, shiny sink all the time. 

You are free to take a break, go for a walk, pick up your kids early, and cart them to practice - that’s the beauty of entrepreneurship, right? So find pockets of time, maybe while you’re waiting in the carpool line or during their dance class, when you can focus on your business or your own personal growth. And then when it’s family time, you can be present.

Ask yourself, “What can I do in my life that will make me feel LESS STRESSED and MORE CHILL?” The 3 things that have made life a little easier have been delegating chores to the kids (they are older), ordering pre-portioned food, and getting groceries delivered. 

I encourage you to get the help you need, take advantage of delivery services, and plan your days so that you may spend quality time with the kids and family without worrying about groceries, cleaning, or laundry.

In this episode, listen for:

  • How to be successful in business without being super organized 

  • As a CEO, design your work hours so you can embrace freedom 

  • You can build a business in 4 hours a week or 40, it’s up to you

    Listen Here!


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