CRUSH 2022 Series - Part 1
We are once again nearing the end of the year and looking forward to the next one with hope. This episode is the first of a three part series on setting goals in your business so you can CRUSH 2022.
By looking back and how your time and energy was spent this past year and understanding the results that effort produced, we can more accurately plan goals, adjust behavior accordingly, and design the business and the lifestyle we really want.
The first step to goal setting - hold on, before you get all dreamy and excited - is to look back at how you spent your time in 2021. Yep, I want you to perform a time audit.
How did you spend your time over the course of the past year?
During your designated work hours, were you focused on revenue-generating activities?
During your personal time, were you present with your family and enjoying life?
When you set time to work or play, are you being truthful with your time? If you honestly devote your focus during your work hours to producing results, you will attain your goals in any time frame you choose. What portion of your work time was actually spent on marketing, client retention, client delivery, networking, follow ups, bookkeeping, project management, etc.?
These are all important data points.
Your time audit should include all hours of the day - business hours, carpool time, evening hours, personal time - everything. What do you do with your free time when you’re not working on your business?
To achieve a life (and business) full of fulfillment, happiness, and profit, you’ve got to have time for yourself, your family, and your business. You need time off to enjoy this lifestyle you’re actively designing day after day. What’s the point if you can’t enjoy the fruits of your labor?
But without being honest with yourself about how you spent your time last year, you can’t expect to properly set (or have any hope of achieving) goals for your grittiest, most badass self.
In this episode, listen for:
How to evaluate the correlation between your business growth and your time spent
Questions to ask as you do your time-audit
The thrill of discovering which activities produced new clients and revenue
Must-listen Moments:
[4:41] When you look at how you spent your time over the last year, you'll uncover data about your accomplishments thus far.
[7:10] Examine your month-by-month data to determine if you achieved your goals, plus a few questions you can ask yourself as you analyze that information.
[8:32] How much time have you spent working on projects that aren't related to your business? Designing your profitable business around the lifestyle you want.
What in this episode hit home for you? DM me on Insta at
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