3 Reasons why you don’t have enough clients.

What comes to mind when you think of sales? Maybe you get a yucky feeling since you know you hate it when someone gives you a sales pitch. But what if I told you, you can SELL without coming across as pushy?

I’ve worked in a variety of sales positions throughout my career, long before starting my own business. Talking and building connections with other people is something I genuinely enjoy. I believe my success in sales is directly related to my deep desire to converse with and connect to others. When you think about it, sales is just talking to people and determining what they need. You also propose a solution if you have one. 

But, how do you craft a solution other people need? And if you’ve already created a service or product, how do you find the people who need it? Maybe sales isn’t that easy - or so you think!

In this episode, listen for:

  • Needle-moving action steps 

  • Dedication to marketing your services 

  • Engaging with other businesses by asking questions

As you’re listening today, don’t take this as criticism if I happen to call out something you’ve been doing. We all make mistakes and get distracted from money-making activities in our business without realizing it!

What I want for you today, is that you learn from whatever hits home in this episode. The goal is for you to REFLECT on the information and decide if you want to strengthen your business by implementing the action steps I share.

Must-listen Moments: 

[2:32] From invisible to visible - How to let others know who you are and what you do

[8:24] Money talk - How to confidently offer a service or product that you believe in

[11:40] How to ditch the fear of being salesy and just connect with others - when someone approaches you, set up a time to have a conversation & that’s when you ask for their business.

It’s time to examine what’s been working, what hasn’t, what you need to change going forward, and how you can make an impact in and with your business right now. Today, you have the profound opportunity to learn and implement from a fresh perspective.

Listen to the episode: 3 Reasons


6 Ways to Confidence


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